Activates a user account using an activation code.
Gets information about a user.
Gets information about a user using the e-mail address as the identifier.
Gets information about a user using the user name or e-mail address as the identifier.
Gets information about a user using the user name as the identifier.
Returns the names of all groups the user is in.
Gets information about a range of users, suitable for pagination.
Invites a user.
Registers a new user.
Deletes a user account.
Removes a user account property.
Sends an e-mail with a password reset code.
Re-sends an e-mail containing the account activation code.
Sets a new password using a password reset code.
Sets the activation state of a user.
Sets the banned state of a user.
Updates the e-mail address of a user account.
Updates the display name of a user.
Sets a new password.
Sets a custom user account property.
Tests a username/e-mail and password combination for validity.
Gets the total number of registered users.
Accesses the properties of a user.
Interface suitable for manipulating user information